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The students enrolled in the Regional Science High School are expected to be  exemplary  in their   conduct in and out of the school campus. They must be clean, orderly, courteous, respectful, prompt, obedient and industrious. Offenses may either be light or grave and are punishable by suspension or expulsion to wit:

  a. First and other light offenses are punishable by a suspension from school for 3 days. Any such offense committed

      may be considered a black mark to be attached in the student’s Form 137 – A for record purposes.

  b. Persistent offenders against good orders and those guilty of serious offenses maybe suspended for one year.
  c. Theft, persistent cheating in class work, insubordination, other student’s gross indecency of language or conduct or

       incorrigible misbehavior may be punished by a suspension for a year or for remainder of the school year.

  d. Expulsion is the punishment for such offenses as assaulting a teacher, participating in school strike, gross

       immorality or injuring another student with a knife or other dangerous weapon.


              1. As a general rule, a student given two (2) black marks and those guilty of serious offenses shall automatically

                 be discharged from the school and shall lose their privilege to enroll in the Regional Science High School in the

                 succeeding school year.

              2. Identified students on drug addiction should be able to present medical certificate or clearance.
              3. The SSG officers/CMT help in the maintenance of good discipline cleanliness and sanitation in the school

                  traffic to and from the rooms, proper decorum in programs and other affairs help in the school.

              4. Students must attend the flag ceremony everyday. Attendance shall be checked by both teacher/adviser and

                  attendance officer of  the class.

              5. Male students are required to have decent and presentable haircuts.

On Attendance
             6. A student should attend to his classes and is expected to be reasonably regular in his school attendance. Ten

                consecutive  unexcused absences may mean a student dropped from the official roll. Students who get absent

                due to sickness must submit a medical certificate before he is allowed to attend classes.

             7. Cutting classes is a deliberate and willful means of evading and absenting oneself from classes.
             8. Every student is required to participate / attend school programs, parades, and the like as required by

                the school.

On Scholastic Achievement
             9. A student enrolled in Regional Science High School must maintain the highest possible scholastic level

                 corresponding to his  ability. He must use his school time properly for intellectual advancement. Vacant periods

                 are not to be spent for loitering around but for library work and study.

           10. A student who demonstrates below average or failing marks during the year maybe helped accordingly if he

                 does not make up to  improve his performance.

On School Uniform And Identification Card
            11. Students are required to wear properly their ID picture at all times during class hours. No students shall be

                  allowed to enter the school premises & consequently attend classes without his/her ID.

            12. All students are required to wear the official school uniform during school days unless 

                  otherwise required/specified by the office  of the Principal to wit:

                    a. Boys shall wear white t-shirts/white polo shirts with the official RSHS monogram and dark pants or maong.
                    b. Girls shall wear white blouse or the official RSHS t-shirts.
                    c. Only registered boy scouts and girls scouts are required to wear the official scouting uniform every Friday.

                         Since scouting is co-curricular, students may opt to register in the scouting movement.

                   d. Any student who fails to use the proper uniform or ID shall be sent home. He shall not be allowed to attend

                       his classes until he   have fulfilled the uniform requirement. Persistence in not wearing the school uniform

                        shall be considered an offense against good order which is punishable by suspension.

On Good Human Relationship
          13. Every student is expected to extend due courtesy to everyone especially to visitors coming to school, however, if

                 there are outsiders found molesting students and creating trouble in the school, students responsible to their

                 entry will be dealt with accordingly.

          14. Cordial and pleasant relationship with everyone should be established and maintained. Each one

                 is responsible in contributing to this kind of atmosphere, a wholesome, pleasant, learning and

                 sharing atmosphere.

          15.  Be your brother’s keeper. If anything goes wrong, immediately give your helping hands, like a Good Samaritan

                 notify the Office of the Principal or the teacher accessible for immediate action.


    © 2012 Regional Science High School  Tumauini. All Rights Reserved              © Reyson Rosales

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